SEG 高1・高2 多読クラス 夏期クラス簡易判定


まず、高1・高2の学年を選んでから始めてください。 高1 高2

  1. 次の問い(A・B)に答えよ。
    1. 次の問い(問1~問3)の 空欄1空欄2に入れるのに最も適当なものを, それぞれ下の 1.~4. のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし、空欄3については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組合せを選べ。


      Due to the rain, our performance in the game was 空欄1 from perfect.

      1. apart
      2. different
      3. far
      4. free

      To say you will go jogging every day is one thing, but to do it is 空欄2.

      1. another
      2. one another
      3. the other
      4. the others

      I know you said you weren't going to the sports festival, but it is an important event, so please ( A ) it a ( B ) thought. 空欄3

      1. A : give B: first
      2. A : give B: second
      3. A : take B: first
      4. A : take B: second
    2. 次の会話は、慈善活動の企画に関して大学生たちが行ったやりとりの一部である。 空欄4空欄6 に入れるのに最も適当なものを, それぞれ下の 1.~4. のうちから一つずつ選べ。

      Akira Hey, guys. Thank you for dropping in. I've asked you all to meet here today to come up with ideas about how to raise money for our annual charity event. We'll have about a month this summer to earn as much as we can. Any thoughts?
      Teresa How about doing odd jobs around the neighborhood?
      Akira What's that? I've never heard of it.
      Jenna Oh, I guess it's not common here in Japan. It can be anything, you know, doing stuff around the house like cutting grass, washing the windows, or cleaning out the garage. When I was a high school student back in the US, I made 300 dollars one summer by doing yard work around the neighborhood. And sometimes people will ask you to run around town for them to pick up the dry cleaning or do the grocery shopping. It's a pretty typical way for young people to earn some extra money.
      Akira So, Jenna, you're saying that 空欄4?

      1. cleaning up the yard is quite valuable work
      2. dividing housework among the family is best
      3. doing random jobs is a way to make money
      4. gardening will surely be profitable in the US

      Jenna Yeah. I think that it could work in Japan, too.
      Rudy Here, many students do part-time jobs for local businesses. They might work at a restaurant or convenience store. Odd jobs are different. You're more like a kind of helper. It's a casual style of working. You get paid directly by the people you help, not a company. And you can decide which jobs you want to do.
      Maya But isn't it dangerous? Usually, people are unwilling to enter a house of someone they don't know. And what happens if you don't get paid? How can you get the money you earned?
      Rudy Not all jobs are inside the house. You can choose the kind of work that you're confortable with. In my experience, I never got cheated. Basically,we work for people in our own community, so we sort of know them. Often, they are older people who have lived in the neighborhood a long time. And I always got paid in cash, so I was excited to have money to spend.
      Teresa There are a lot of seniors in our community. I'm sure they'd be happy to have someone do the heavy lifting, or even just to see a friendly face around. I really doubt that they would take advantage of us. In general, don't you think most people are honest and kind?
      Akira It sounds like we shouldn't be too worried because 空欄5.

      1. elderly people would feel uneasy about our work
      2. it's embarrassing to ask our neighbors for work
      3. there's little risk in working within our community
      4. we can be safe if we work for a company in town

      Dan Is it OK to get paid for volunteer work? Shouldn't we work for elderly people out of the goodness of our hearts? I think helping people is its own reward.
      Kana If we explain our purpose clearly from the beginning, to raise money for the charity, I think people will be glad to help us. And it's not like we're charging 5,000 yen per hour. Why don't we suggest 500 yen per hour? It's a lot more reasonable than asking some company to do the job.
      Maya Don't you have to pay any taxes? What happens if the government finds out?
      Jenna I don't think we're breaking any laws. That's the way it works in the US, anyway. Just to be on the safe side, though, let's ask someone at the city tax office.
      Akira OK, thanks for all of your great ideas. I think we made a lot of progress. According to the suggestions made today, it looks like our next step is to 空欄6. Right?

      1. consider being totally honest with each other
      2. look for part-time jobs that have high wages
      3. provide useful services for free to neighbors
      4. think of a plan that works for our local area

      Jenna Sounds good.

  2. 次の問い(A・B)に答えよ。
    1. 次の文章はある説明文の一部である。この文章を読み、下の問い(問1~4)の 空欄7空欄10 に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の 1.~4. のうちから一つずつ選べ。

      Sports coaches and players are interested in how training programs can be designed to enhance performance. The order of practice potentially facilitates learning outcomes without increasing the amount of practice. A study was conducted to examine how different training schedules influence throwing performance.

      In this study, elementary school students threw a tennis ball at a target laid on the floor. They threw the ball from three throwing locations at distances of 3, 4, and 5 meters from the target. The target consisted of the center (20 cm wide) and nine larger outer rings. They served as zones to indicate the accuracy of the throws. If the ball landed in the center of the target, 100 points were given. If the ball landed in one of the outer zones, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, or 10 points were recorded accordingly. If the ball landed outside of the target, no points were given. If the ball landed on a line separating two zones, the higher score was awarded.

      The students were assigned to one of three practice groups: Blocked, Random, or Combined. All students were instructed to use an overarm throwing motion to try to hit the center of the target with the ball. On the first day of this study, they each completed a total of 81 practice throws. Students in the Blocked group threw 27 times from one of the three throwing locations, followed by 27 throws from the next location, and ended practice with 27 throws from the final location. In the Random group, each student threw the ball 81 times in the order of throwing locations that the researchers had specified. No more than two consecutive throws were allowed from the same location for this group. In the Combined group, the students started with a blocked schedule and gradually shifted to a random schedule. On the next day, all students completed a performance test of 12 throws.

      Results showed that during the practice of 81 throws, the Blocked group performed worse than the other two groups. Performance test scores were also analyzed. The Combined group showed the best performance among the three groups, followed by the Random group and then by the Blocked group. It is still uncertain if similar results can be obtained for adults in training programs for other throwing actions, such as those seen in bowling, baseball, and basketball. This will be addressed in the following section.

      (Esmaeel Saemi 他 (2012) Practicing Along the Contextual Interference Continuum: A Comparison of Three Practice Schedules in an Elementary Physical Education Setting の一部を参考に作成)

      問1 What is the total score achieved by the five throws in the figure? 空欄7
      1. 200
      2. 210
      3. 220
      4. 230

      問2 Which of the following statements is true about the experiment? 空欄8
      1. Eighty-one throws were made from the same initial throwing location in the Blocked group.
      2. The distance from the target remained unchanged during the entire experiment for the Combined group.
      3. The set of throws from the same location involved various ways of throwing for the Combined group.
      4. Throwing three or more times in a row from the same location was against the rules for the Random group.
      問3 Which of the following statements is true about the results? 空欄9
      1. The Blocked group had the best score both during practice and on the performance test.
      2. The Blocked group showed the worst score among the three groups on the performance test.
      3. The Combined group showed lower accuracy than the Random group on the performance test.
      4. The Random group had the lowest accuracy both during practice and on the performance test.
      問4 What will most likely be discussed next in this report? 空欄10
      1. Mental imagery training of underhand throws
      2. Observation of younger students' movements
      3. Overarm throws with eyes closed
      4. Various kinds of throwing motions
    2. 次の文章を読み、下の問い(問1~5)の 空欄11空欄15 に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の 1.~4. のうちから一つずつ選べ。

      A couple of weeks ago, I was hiking with my dog on a mountain when something unexpected happened and I lost sight of him. I looked and looked but couldn't find him. He had been with me for so long that it was like I was missing part of my soul.

      Ever since that day, I had a strange feeling. It was beyond sadness - a feeling that I didn't quite understand, as if something were pulling me to go back to the mountain. So every chance I got, I grabbed my backpack to see if the mountain could offer me some sense of relief.

      One sunny morning, I stood at the foot of the mountain. Something felt different this day. "Please forgive me," I said out loud. "I'll find you!" I took a deep breath and began my journey with this mysterious pull growing stronger. After making my way along paths I thought I knew well, I realized I was somehow in an unfamiliar place. I panicked a little, lost my footing, and slipped. From out of nowhere, an elderly man came running towards me and helped me up.

      Looking at his gentle, smiling face, I felt a sense of ease. The old man said he was looking for a way to the top of the mountain, so we decided to climb together.

      Soon the path began to feel familiar again. We talked about many things, including my dog. I told him that he was a German shepherd. When he was younger, he served briefly as a police dog but had to stop due to an injury. The man let out a laugh saying he had been a police officer for a short time, but he quit. He didn't say why. Later, he spent a long time as a bodyguard. He also had German roots. We laughed at these similarities.

      Before we knew it, we reached a large open area and took a break. I told the man what had happened to my dog. "He had a tiny bell on his collar to scare away bears. We came to this very spot and saw a bear. It was looking back at us. I should have held my dog because, sensing danger, he chased after the bear. I couldn't find him after that. I should have been more careful."

      As I was telling the story, the man's expression changed. "It wasn't your fault. Your dog just wanted to keep you safe," he said. "I'm sure Tomo would want to tell you this. Also, thank you for not giving up."

      Tomo is my dog's name. Did I tell him this? The old man's comment rang in the air.

      Before I could ask anything, the man proposed we hurry to get to the top of the mountain. I was planning to do this with my dog a few weeks ago. After two more hours of hiking, we reached the peak. I set down my backpack and we sat taking in the magnificent view. The old man looked at me and said, "Mountains offer truly magical experiences."

      I looked around for a place to rest. I guess I was pretty tired, because I fell asleep right away. When I woke up, I noticed that the old man had disappeared. I waited, but he never returned.

      Suddenly, in the sunlight, something caught my eye. I walked over and saw a small metal tag beside my backpack. It was the same silver name tag that my parents originally gave to my dog. Tomo it said.

      It was then that I heard a familiar noise behind me. It was the ringing of a tiny bell. I turned around. What I saw caused so many emotions to rush over me.

      After a while on the mountaintop, I attached the name tag to my old friend and carefully made my way home with the mountain's gift beside me. My soul felt very much complete.

      問1 The author kept returning to the mountain because 空欄11.
      1. she felt an urge she couldn't explain
      2. she planned to meet the elderly man
      3. she thought she could practice magic
      4. she wanted to find out about the bear
      問2 Which of the following happened first on the author's most recent trip? 空欄12
      1. She arrived at a large open area.
      2. She climbed to the mountaintop.
      3. She saw a bear running away.
      4. She was assisted by an old man.
      問3 What similarity between the author's dog and the old man was talked about? 空欄13
      1. They experienced workplace injuries.
      2. They recently lost close family friends.
      3. They were acquaintances of the author.
      4. They worked to help protect the public.
      問4 Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the underlined phrase rang in the air as used in the text? 空欄14
      1. brought happiness
      2. left an impression
      3. made a loud noise
      4. seemed offensive
      問5 How did the author's feelings change over the course of the last hiking experience? 空欄15
      1. She was depressed and then became sadder.
      2. She was determined and then became comforted.
      3. She was hopeful but then became homesick.
      4. She was miserable but then became entertained.

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